Being an Introvert is a Super Power
Have you ever noticed that the world often assumes most of us are extroverts? That some demands placed on us can be extra taxing for an introvert? So much so that it may take a bit of deciphering to figure out that playing an extravert for much of your life can be part of why things are out of alignment.
Today Jeannie Scott joins us for a valuable conversation about being an introvert in an extroverted world. From reflecting on how introverts show up and contribute differently (and the value added by this) to looking at the importance of introverted voices in leadership, they cover a lot of ground. If you stick around to the end, you even get the inside scoop on some great plays to keep your eye out for!
Jeannie is an actor, empowerment coach, and breathwork facilitator. As an actor, Jeannie understands what it is to be exhausted and hide in an industry built for extroverts. For years, she hid behind an extroverted mask, regularly burning out, and feeling lost and stuck in cycles of self-sabotage. She used mindset and embodiment tools to change her own life, and now she helps others do the same.
She is on a mission to empower and amplify female introverted voices in traditionally extroverted spaces, so they can create confidence in their way and make an impact without burning out.
This honest, bare conversation highlights the value of taking time to recharge and observe the bigger picture, which is a natural gift for introverts.
Connect with Jeannie:
Free guide “Introvert Power Save Mode: 4 Ways to Hold onto Your Energy in a World Built for Extroverts”:
Connect with Diane:
Get a copy of the Self Care Audio download Diane mentioned:
Resource mentioned:
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain, et al.:
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Diane Schroeder: Welcome to The Fire Inside Her podcast, a safe space for leadership, self-care, and community. I'm your host, Diane Schroeder. And it is my privilege to be your guide on the journey to authenticity.
Diane Schroeder: When I tell people that I am an introvert, they usually laugh and disagree with me and can't understand how I can function so well as an introvert in an extroverted world. Well, I can tell you, it hasn't always been easy, I've had to work hard to learn how to be more extroverted, and comfortable in a group setting. I do love people, and I don't mind speaking in front of large groups or leading. And for a long time, I tried to fake being extroverted. And really what it led to was burnout and being exhausted all the time, I need my space and my alone time and my quiet time to recharge my batteries. If I go to a party or a function with a lot of people, or even conferences, I find that I need a few hours, at least at the end of the day, or a couple of days after the conference or event to recharge and reconnect with myself. And that's okay. There is no shame in that. I think extroverts typically are thought of as being the best leaders because they're opinionated, they speak up, and they're the first to raise their hand. And what I've learned over the years, is introverts bring just as much value. And oftentimes, they have a different perspective and insight. Just because they don't speak up right away, because they may take time to think about the question or think about the topic that's being discussed, doesn't mean they don't know what they're talking about, or they're not paying attention. I love this conversation with my guest this week because she also is an introvert in a very extroverted world. She talks about how being sensitive and being an introvert is a superpower. And being able to walk into a room and take the energetic temperature by just listening and feeling and not necessarily diving right into it, but taking a step back and observing. I think this is a gift for leaders because one of the most challenging parts of being a leader is taking a step back and viewing the bigger picture. It's really easy to get caught up in the weeds and be very task-oriented and focus on the task at hand. So much so that you forget to take a look at the bigger picture one of the gifts of being introverted because that just happens naturally. There's a fabulous author by the name of Susan Cain, and she wrote the book Quiet: The Power of Introverts. I'll put the link in the show notes highly recommended. It's a fantastic book, Jeannie Scott is an actor, empowerment coach, and breathwork facilitator. As an actor, Jeannie understands what it is to be exhausted and hide in an industry built for extroverts. For years, she hid behind an extroverted mask, regularly burning out and feeling lost and stuck in cycles of self-sabotage. She used mindset and embodiment tools to change her own life. And now she helps others do the same. She is on a mission to empower and amplify female introverted voices in traditionally extroverted spaces so they can create confidence their way and make an impact without burning out. This is a lovely conversation, and she is my first international guest. I hope you enjoy it.
Diane Schroeder: Well, hello, Jeannie, how are you? I'm so well, thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited. I'm excited for a lot of reasons. First, because you do something in a niche that's so important for us introverts out in the world of the extroverted world. And you're my first international guest on the show. So it's very exciting. I start every episode with a random question. And My random question for you is, would you rather live to be 1000 or live to a hundred ten times?
Jeannie Scott: Ooh, live to a hundred ten times. Because I think it's the INFJ in me or the multi-passionate, but I love trying things and starting things over I recently just chopped off all my hair just for, you know, life. And I am an actress. I love reinventing myself. So the chance to reinvent me like 10 times be awesome.
Diane Schroeder: I agree. That was my answer without hesitation when my girlfriend asked me that and like, oh, cuz you know, you want to get it right the next time or do it different than next time or take bits and pieces.
Jeannie Scott: Yeah, or make all the same mistakes, but just enjoy it.
Diane Schroeder: Right, realize that maybe those weren't such terrible mistakes along the way? Well, perfect. So tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do and how you went from being an actor to coaching and breathwork and all the stuff.
Jeannie Scott: Okay, so I'm Jeannie as an in-the-bottle from the lamp. I am an actress. I'm an empowerment coach and a breathwork facilitator. And I work with high-achieving introverted women who are working traditionally in extroverted spaces, who have got to a point in their career where they're feeling so burned out and so exhausted. And as a result of trying to live, in a way that is extroverted and completely outside of our natural skill sets, and natural strengths. And the reason that I kind of fell into this was because I did exactly the same thing, being an introvert actress. Sure, there are lots of us out there, but a lot of us are putting on this mask of extraversion, because let's face it, like the world just really isn't set up for us introverts. Considering, you know, I think one of the misconceptions is that, you know, we're an anomaly and it's just really not the case loads of people are introverts, and especially, I think, especially coming out of the pandemic in the last few years, I think it's awakened a lot of awareness in people that maybe you didn't have it before. And that's it. That's what happened to me, I had always because I am a fixer, I am a let me just slot in and make things easy for everybody. I did that my whole life and I pretended to be an extrovert because that's what I had to do. And the pandemic was like, it was just a wonderful time. I mean, it wasn't a wonderful time. Sorry, that was the wrong thing to say. But it was it awakened this understanding in myself, of like, Oh, I'm not just pathologically lazy, like, people just exhaust me, I love them, but they need to, they exhaust me. And how I came into actually coaching was, again, it was it was a discovery in the pandemic, I think it again, it was this kind of great awakening for a lot of people. And we went into lockdown and my career, my acting career had effectively kind of come to a standstill. And that was scary. And I kind of considered I was it was in that stage where I think people were not only in the acting industry, but in lots of industries where everyone was like, Okay, now what? And I did, like, I did the thing that I do best, yeah, be like, right. Okay, what we're going into, and I considered a career in coding for all of like, seven hours, realized I have absolutely no skill. Yeah, and then just kind of just discovered this world of coaching, which I just hadn't known about, I'd always thought of being as being a life coach is something that like, a celebrity had in the 90s. You know, like, told people to drink green juice. I had no idea. And then it kind of came to me and I realized that this is something that I I've always, I've always loved helping people. I've always loved making people feel better. And this was just the way that I could do that. So yeah, sorry, that was a long winded way of, of my story. Yeah.
Diane Schroeder: No, it's beautiful. And I'm sure in the five minutes that you told your story, there's a lot more to it. When you were describing, you know, as being kind of like a fixer and helping people and making things better. That's what I've done for my entire professional career as a firefighter. That's, you know, what we do, we're problem solvers. We fix people's problems. And I realized I was an introvert. I don't know, maybe seven or eight years ago, I did the same thing. I took the Myers Briggs and then I started taking a bunch of other personality tests because no one would believe me when I'm like, Man, I'm an INFJ as well and I love people, but they drain me and I love my alone time and I think there's a lot of like shame around being introverted, that you know, in this highly extroverted world, you know, to be not that way. And I think, and you can help me with this, the way I describe it is, it's how you recharge your batteries. Extroverts can just be around people all the time, and that fills their cup, and it's like this putting gas in the machine, always an introverts. We don't mind people, but we need to be by ourselves to recharge our batteries.
Jeannie Scott: Yeah, that's entirely the way that I see it. And introverts also process a lot of stuff internally, were extroverts, extroverts, extroverts, why was that so difficult to say, process the excellent. So for example, like, it may really help an extrovert, if they're like throwing ideas around to have somebody there to kind of throw ideas out and see what works and kind of bring it out of themselves. Whereas a lot of processing that introverts do is very internal. So there's a lot a lot going on, we've got incredibly rich in a world. And that's not to say that extroverts don't, but introverts have incredibly rich in a world. But from the outside, it can look like you're just being antisocial, or you're not talking or you're shy. And that's not necessarily true. Being shy and being an introvert aren't the same thing.
Diane Schroeder: Right? Well, and even like in meetings, you know, it's changed the way I lead a little bit, or a lot of it, because, you know, with myself, and what I've noticed, like, not everyone speaks up in a meeting if you're introverted, because you haven't had that time to internally process and just like, think through everything, or overthink everything, in my case, before speaking up. And it's not because introverts don't add value or don't have a lot of amazing ideas. It's just the way the world is designed is not necessarily to, for introverts to have that input immediately. And what I've started to doing is like, alright, for anyone who hasn't spoke up yet, but has ideas later, reach out to me, it's okay, like, and just giving everyone that space to breathe. So that, you know, it's not everyone still feels that they're valued, and their opinions matter.
Jeannie Scott: I love that I think that's such a lovely way of doing it. And it's really helpful to open up the way in which people speak up as well, because yeah, people may want to actually speak to you face to face. But people may also not really be able to necessarily articulate themselves that well. Introverts are, are really great communicators. But you know, some people just don't, don't find it as easy to put things to voice or to put put there, everything that is going on in their mind out invoice. And if some people it might be easier to send you an email, because they find it easier to write. So I think that's a really lovely way of just being able to open it out to opportunity for people who process and show up in different ways and contribute in different ways as well.
Diane Schroeder: Well, that's the beauty of diversity in a team, you know, to have everyone contributing, and the way that works best for them. And I think that's a huge paradigm shift in leadership in general. And just, you know, I'm sure, through your coaching experience, you've learned that everyone learns differently, they express themselves differently. They you know, and just because it's different does it take away from their value.
Jeannie Scott: Absolutely. In fact, it contributes in so many ways. It because the way, the way that people do them do their best is by doing it by doing it in the way that works best for them by being completely in alignment with who they are. The reason that, you know, somebody isn't performing as well as they can, is not because they're lazy, or because they're less capable than others. I don't believe that. It's generally because they're not performing in the way that works best for them.
Diane Schroeder: meeting people where they're at.
Jeannie Scott: Yeah.
Diane Schroeder: And I do agree, I think post pandemic post COVID world, things have changed. And that time that forced alone time, I think, gave a lot of people time to kind of reevaluate their values and their processes and finding different ways to do life, whether it's working or in their personal life, or you know, how things were forced to change. And I think that it's been good in that way that it's become more of a conversation now, instead of you know, we're not just we're just not going to talk about it.
Jeannie Scott: Yeah, and there's more. I feel like there's people are being taken a bit more seriously. When they come up and they say, oh, no, actually, that's not the way that I want to do it. I think pre pandemic and a few years ago, a lot of people would have been like, Yeah, but that, you know, that's the way that we do it. And there's a kind of shrug off. And I think there is maybe still a tendency to do that. But I think we're a lot more open about people saying, Actually, no, this is the these are my beliefs, or this is how I identify. Because it's that identification, isn't it? And I, I mean, we've still got so far to go. But oh, yes. But I think that there is it's opening up that conversation about knowing that actually, this is the way that I want to be seen. And this is the way that I want to move through the world. And it may not be how you have previously seen, or it may not be what this this company or this corporation is used to. But this is important to me, this is how you get it, this is how you get me to perform at my best.
Diane Schroeder: Right! Well, it's a renaissance almost of, you know, a different different type of energy in the world and fusing into it. And it's almost like now, where we're being we're being introverts are able to, you know, honor that within ourselves. And I And I'm curious to hear about how that ties into leadership, and the gift of being introverted and leading, and the sensitivity that a leader, you know, has an owning that energy and, you know, I talk a lot about masculine and feminine energy, and not necessarily, you know, that doesn't have anything to do with gender roles. But just having that, you know, I, I, when I think of sensitive sensitivity and leadership, I think of more of a feminine side and approach to things. So please share with me, I'm curious about all of that.
Jeannie Scott: So if I guess thinking about about sensitivity, I mean, some of the clients that I work with are highly sensitive as an INFJ, I think you're probably quite quite highly sensitive as well. And I think for a long time sensitivity was considered weakness, I think those two were going hand in hand, I think about there's like an episode of Sex in the City, where Samantha like cries in, she starts crying in a lift. And it's this like, huge drama, and she's not considered, you know, she's embarrassed to do it in front of her male colleagues. And I think that there is still a kind of a taboo of like, oh, yeah, don't get emotional around. But there's so much power to tapping into your sensitivity and not being scared of it and not seeing it as something that is a curse, and empathy. If you are an empath, or a highly empathic person, that automatically translates to fairness. Because you can take, if you if you are highly sensitive, if you're, for example, highly sensitive to the feelings of those around you, it means that you're walking into a room and you're able to take the energetic temperature of the room. And that is such a powerful position to be in, especially as a leader because it means that you can judge where people are at. And like you said, meet them where they're at, even if they're feeling, even if they don't feel comfortable enough to approach you and say, so, for example, you saying, you know, how was everybody you know, if you'd like to follow up with me, if you have anything that you'd like to say, and you have somebody who doesn't feel comfortable doing that, you know, they're still feeling incredibly, maybe they're lacking a lot of confidence in themselves. If you are highly sensitive, you're probably going to tap into that. And it means that you can approach them and say, you know, what I'm getting, I'm feeling this from you. Is that right? Is there anything that I can do to help you feel more comfortable to voice your opinions. So that's a really, really powerful place to be in. Another really strong skill and strength of being highly sensitive, or being an introvert is really, really good communication skills, we can read, and because we process everything internally we can read a syntax and tone really, really well, which means again, you're getting to the nuance of a conversation, rather than it being really, really surface level. And again, that means that you're always you're in a powerful enough position to be able to read the the needs of your clients, if you have them, read the needs of your, of your company, if you are a CEO, read the needs of your meeting whatever you're doing, it means that you're being able to work with people at a really close level, and really be able to understand the people that you're working with is an also another thing is that you've got a really, really strong level of discernment. And you're a great, great judge of character. Meaning that you can build a team around you of people that are going to work so well together. Somebody new coming in, you're going to be able to say, okay, yeah, actually, that person is going to work so well, with this group of people, this person, yeah, they look great on paper, and actually, they interviewed really, really well. But that, you know, you've got, you know, that that person just isn't going to fit with the rest of your group. So right, having that, that strong sense of sensitivity and being able to take that emotion that, that energetic temperature is so so powerful for you, as a leader, if you're leading a team, but also, if you are leading a movement, you know, scent being at the head of any kind of movement and saying, Okay, this is the the energy of where we are, this is the energy of the world, how can we how can we take this movement further. So yeah, it just puts you I think, in a really, really powerful position, if you're able to tap into that sensitivity. Obviously, there are, there are things that you want to be aware of, like you said, I'm an over thinker, that's rabbit hole that we that we can fall down, because we process everything internally, it's very easy to kind of keep that internal and then become overwhelmed by it. So it's important to kind of keep that in check. Again, the sort of the taking the emotional temperature thing, it's very easy, I think a lot of empaths, or a lot of people who are quite sensitive to other people's feelings can get quite overlooked, that can feel quite overwhelming, especially if it's not something that you are, especially if you don't have like an a practice and energetic cleansing practice, or whatever it is. But yeah, I just think it can put you in a really, really powerful position as a leader to be able to tap into that.
Diane Schroeder: I agree, I think learning that, for me learning, those are my superpowers of trust, trusting my intuition and my gut, and following that, and believing in that, and then, you know, kind of like dipping my toe in a little bit to, to build that confidence of, you know, what I got a feeling and going through with that. And it I think it builds a safe space for my team as well. I think the biggest struggle is to kind of drop the ego, because you can't be really sensitive, or you can't be sensitive. And I love that energetic temperature. I love that so much and take that if you have an ego if your ego's working overtime, because your ego is going to be working against your intuition. I think they're that they go against each other. So how do you know if you are an empathetic person? And I asked that, because when I realized that I was, you know, sensitive, and I could trust my intuition and gut like, I was like, you've got to be kidding me. I denied it. I said, there is no way. I'm sorry, I would I would joke, my son is very intuitive. And I'm like, I'm surrounded by empaths. And I never realized I was one. And then when I kind of had that awakening, I was like, Oh man, this is a game changer. So how do people what can they do to like, have that, you know, Yes, I'm intuitive and really sensitive and introverted, empathetic? How do they know they are?
Jeannie Scott: Well, I guess, I think I think maybe there's a slight difference between being I every, everybody can be empathetic. Everybody has, right? Everybody has an N their intuition. And everyone can tap into that, like that strong intuitive sense. And I think both of those things are like muscles. They're just about practicing, practicing being empathetic. And you know what, sometimes you might get it wrong. You know, it's, it's about, I think, especially with the empathetic thing, it's about really learning to listen and hear people because a lot of people will listen but not hear. A lot of people won't even bother listening, and they'll nod along or pretend, but they're not actually listening. And I think that is such a powerful skill to learn is to learn how to really listen and to really hear people because if you're listening and you're hearing, we are like you're a human, you're an animal. It's an it's a natural thing for us to be able to have recognize that something in in another person recognize and recognize that something in another person, because we have seen it in ourselves before. And practicing your intuition and hearing that intuitive voice. First of all, it's about, yeah, learning to, to hear that voice because it's quiet. And it doesn't shout like the ego, it's not there to be heard. It's just there to kind of if you want it. And so sometimes you it's about, you do need to be able to create the space for that voice to be heard. Which means, I mean, if you're an introvert, you probably have heard that voice quite a lot. Because the way that it comes out is through those moments of quiet. And through those moments of silence. Meditation is a wonderful way of doing it. So hearing that voice, but then actually acting on that voice, that's what builds that muscle. It's about learning that Oh, actually, okay, this voice is here to protect me this this voice is is like, unlike the ego, it doesn't come from fear, it doesn't come from excitement, even, it's just a knowing. And it will get louder, and it will start to perk up a bit more. When you start to trust it like anything. You know, it's like a friend, a friend gives you a piece, you know, that friend that you go to and you're like, Oh, my life so bad about this particular or, Oh, this boy, this, this, this person hates me, but I really love them. And then they're for your friends, like they're bad for you leave them and they're like, Yeah. but-- you keep on going back to them. And then your friends, like, I don't want to hear about this anymore. Because I keep on giving you advice and you're not taking it. That's the intuition. You have to listen to that if you're going to go back to that voice and say, I just want to hear what you have to say. You then have to act on it. So it's that it's, it's the building of that muscle, because then that little voice will be like, Okay, fine. You trusted me the last time you did it. I'll perk up again this time. And so yeah, I think I think that's where the the the the empathic, the empathetic and the kind of intuitive senses are built. Whether you are an empath or not, I think I do. I really don't know how, you know, whether you are. I think you just know, I didn't even know that it was a thing until maybe like three or four years ago. And when I heard it was a thing. I was like, bloody that's me. Like, that's me. It's, it's because I mean, ever since I was a child, I've been able to really, really strongly feel other people's emotion emotions, almost, and be very affected by other people's emotions. And I thought that maybe it was just because I was a nice person.
Diane Schroeder: Yes, yes.
Jeannie Scott: But I think there you know, there are so many lovely people out there who who who can't who just don't necessarily feel it in that way. So I think if you can, if you know that when you are around, even if it's around certain people, maybe people that you're really close to and they are feeling something and you are very affected by that. I say that there's probably a strong chance that you are an empath. Mm hmm. I don't know if I answered your questions.
Diane Schroeder: No, no, you did. I think I asked like 10 Questions wrapped up in one question, because of my mind, my mind is spinning about 100 miles an hour. But I agree with that. And I think that's beautiful. And just that trusting the intuition. And I couldn't agree more. It's, I love how you describe it as being a muscle because that's true. And I obviously processing it through my lens. But I can see that happening, the more I trust, my intuition, kind of, uh, still pretty quiet, when it speaks. But she's, they're always, you know, always there in the background. And when I really hurt hear her is when I carve out time for myself to I start the more most mornings, I start with meditation and just some sacred space, quiet time to reflect journaling is huge for me, because I, I prefer to write things down as well, I can write you a letter, and really explain how I feel much better than I can talking to you about it, because I get confused my words. The other thing that you said, which really hit a nerve, is that going deep into conversation? You know, I feel like that is me. 100% I will start a conversation with someone and just dive right into the deep end and not think about it. Because I have zero time in my life for surface, not authentic conversation I am all about I want to get to the meat, real and genuine immediately.
Jeannie Scott: Oh, my God made two. And it's almost like it's almost like a joke with my partner. Because he's very much an extrovert. We're like polar opposites. And we we went to a like Christmas party with our agent, we both have the same acting agent. And he's like that social butterfly, like speaking to everybody like jumping from different groups. And I found one person sitting into a corner and was like, we're going deep.
Diane Schroeder: Yes, yes. Yes. So much for that. I, I hear that I feel that in my soul, that is exactly how I have it. And I'm becoming more comfortable with that. And I realized, because there's so much wisdom gained when getting deep with that with people. And that's beautiful. Absolutely.
Jeannie Scott: Oh my gosh. And the beautiful thing is that you're allowing yourself to do what you feel best and the way and you know, extroverts, they gain that connection from those, those, those small moments of conversation and meeting lots of people. But the way that you are gaining connection with people is by going super deep, so it doesn't serve the other person in the conversation and it doesn't serve you by you going in and pretending to be something that you're not.
Diane Schroeder: Exactly, exactly. i Oh, that's I love it. Thank you for sharing all of that. I I'm curious, also to know more about your acting and you know, are you Film TV Stage I, when I was in high school, I love to drama so much. I am a huge fan of musical theater and theater. And in general it just it fills my cup. I was also an athlete in high school. And so my dad really was confused that I wanted to do drama and play sports. And so he always really pushed me more towards the sports thing. But what I found is what drama gave me in the, you know, my teens was a strong foundation, to use my voice and to not be afraid of public speaking and to really, you know, express who I was and the friendships that I you know, my drama friends are still my friends now 30 years later. So tell me more about that. Tell my audience all the good things about your acting
Jeannie Scott: and Um, well, I I mean, I've done a few things. I don't google my name. Yeah. So, I mean, predominantly, the stuff that I've done is theater. And I've done a few like radio plays and things like that. And I've done like a couple of short films. But it's one of those questions that like, any actor, actually, not any actor, but like a lot of actors if you ask them. Oh, my God, you're an actor. Have you seen? Like, what have you done? It's like, you know, stone drops. I'm JK. I absolutely love it. I completely adore it. And I love all of it. I mean, musicals just fill my soul. I, I'm just obsessed. But uh, yeah, I think just going to go to what you said about about drama in school, what I think is so gorgeous. And a lot of people say, I think a lot of people are very fascinated by actors, if you're not an actor, and a lot of people are kind of, within a bit like, Oh, I loved drama, and I did this, and then they and so that's where that fascination comes from. And I think it's because what's gorgeous about drama, and acting, is that it is just a complete license to play. And it is, if you want to get in contact with your inner child and play with your inner child for a bit. Acting and drama is the way to do it. And I incorporate a lot of like, my acting like drama games, I mean, not drama games, because you can't really do that with one person over over zoom. But like, right, a lot of like, the kind of ethos of drama and play in the coaching that I do, because I think it's so important, a huge part of a huge way that I live my life is to not take myself too seriously. Because life is way too serious to take yourself too seriously. And it's, that's, that's, I think, why so many people love drama and loved, loved it at school and are fascinated by actors. Because it is it's a license to actually. Yeah, to play and to do things that maybe you wouldn't do in real life to play characters to, to, especially if you're somebody like yourself, who's an INFJ, we're naturally very curious about people. It's, it's a wonderful opportunity to be able to try try different characters on for size tried, like you said, Tell us, like we were talking about at the beginning to continuously, like, reinvent yourself. So I feel I feel so privileged to be doing this as a career and to be doing coaching as well. I feel I feel incredibly privileged to do the jobs that I do. Yeah, and I think I think that's why a lot of people love it so much. It's because it's just you can just just look like an idiot and cry, license to feeling you feel your emotions, because so many people are so scared of feeling emotions that are holding on to so much it's just a license to be human. In a world that doesn't really support you just being a human.
Diane Schroeder: Right. That is That is beautiful. What is your Do you have a favorite play or musical? Not necessarily that you were even in but just one that you're really a fan of that you love? That's, you know, on your top three?
Jeannie Scott: I mean, I'd be lying if I didn't say Hamilton. Hamilton out of Hades Town. Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh my god. What did I see? Really? There was an incredible play on in London, which I think goes to the US. Oh my God, I don't know how it would translate to the US but I think they could do it. It was called To All of The Black Boys Who Have Ever Considered Suicide when the going gets when there's something's ruffled so but it was like it was absolutely incredible. It was one of those plays that you in the space of three minutes you go through the entire spectrum of the human experience. crying, laughing side hurting because you're laughing so much and then you're bawling, and then you hate yourself and then you love the world. And it was when the heat Yeah, to all the black boys who have ever considered suicide when the hue gets too dark. Oh, wow. Okay, so Incredible okay,
Diane Schroeder: I Yeah, wow, I'm gonna have to check into that. Last night, we just went to go see 1776 It was a revival. And it was an all woman cast of women, or trans, non binary. And it was beautiful. It was powerful it was, I got goosebumps just thinking about it, I would put it right up there with Hamilton and Hades Town and just this incredible cast and the way the they wrote it, and the songs it was just, it was lovely. So if that comes, if it makes it way, makes its way over there, I highly recommend it as well. I hope so.
Jeannie Scott: Yeah. Anything that it just just give us a good ol gut punch and love some of that, huh?
Diane Schroeder: Well, it makes you feel and I think that's the beauty of, you know, being watching theater or watching, you know, art in motion is because it makes you feel and that's it can either through feeling like I can see myself in their position or just, you know, taking special moments. And you know, what a power powerful superpower speaking of that, actors have been doing that. It's just, you know, on the receiving end of it, just like, Wow, I feel that in my soul. And that's just such a great gift to have.
Jeannie Scott: Oh, yeah. It's it's a, it's a privilege to be able to access all this almost like a like a vessel for that for the audience. Yeah, it's a privilege.
Diane Schroeder: Thank you. All right. So as we wrap up, I would love to know if you could go back to your 15 year old self. And give yourself one piece of advice. What would it be?
Jeannie Scott: What would it be? It would be to breathe. And that sounds really like low. But honestly, like the amount that I was holding on to it's, yeah, I put my hands on my shoulders. Just be like, breathe. Just breathe. Breathe. You don't have to hold everything together. You really don't. It's not all people responsibility.
Diane Schroeder: Well, Jamie, thank you so much. And I will put in the show notes. how everyone can find you. Do you have a specific favorite preferred place where people can reach out connect to you?
Jeannie Scott: Instagram is always a good place.
Diane Schroeder: Okay. Wonderful. Well, thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to listen to this episode. curious on what to do next. Go ahead and follow wherever you're listening to this podcast so you can get updates each week when new episodes are released. And head on over to for a free audio to help you get started on your self care journey. Until next time, remember, you are a badass and you are not alone.